This project required extensive earthworks across the complete sub-division due to the uncertified fill material being placed on-site by the previous owner. We then built retaining walls for most of the individual sections. Part of the project required us to pave to the perimeter and install drainage across the site. Low maintenance rain gardens were installed to manage runoff after downpours creating wildlife-friendly spaces where possible.
Ectiam qui repe lictat quam quis cor asit dolor rem aut estorio nserrovide nesecae ratu. Bit verro qui blauta solor solupient quidunt orpossequo endae abor sunt autatec eptate ma vent quamus voluptatio. Boribus si te nonet dolorei ciassum eic to consectum que veliae vel molor autatur re pre ipsaect emoluptatis dolupture quia iducipidis unt videlen istiunt.
Ectiam qui repe lictat quam quis cor asit dolor rem aut estorio nserrovide nesecae ratu. Bit verro qui blauta solor solupient quidunt orpossequo endae abor sunt autatec eptate ma vent quamus voluptatio. Boribus si te nonet dolorei ciassum eic to consectum que veliae vel molor autatur re pre ipsaect emoluptatis dolupture quia iducipidis unt videlen istiunt.
Ectiam qui repe lictat quam quis cor asit dolor rem aut estorio nserrovide nesecae ratu. Bit verro qui blauta solor solupient quidunt orpossequo endae abor sunt autatec eptate ma vent quamus voluptatio. Boribus si te nonet dolorei ciassum eic to consectum que veliae vel molor autatur re pre ipsaect emoluptatis dolupture quia iducipidis unt videlen istiunt.
Ectiam qui repe lictat quam quis cor asit dolor rem aut estorio nserrovide nesecae ratu. Bit verro qui blauta solor solupient quidunt orpossequo endae abor sunt autatec eptate ma vent quamus voluptatio. Boribus si te nonet dolorei ciassum eic to consectum que veliae vel molor autatur re pre ipsaect emoluptatis dolupture quia iducipidis unt videlen istiunt.
Ectiam qui repe lictat quam quis cor asit dolor rem aut estorio nserrovide nesecae ratu. Bit verro qui blauta solor solupient quidunt orpossequo endae abor sunt autatec eptate ma vent quamus voluptatio. Boribus si te nonet dolorei ciassum eic to consectum que veliae vel molor autatur re pre ipsaect emoluptatis dolupture quia iducipidis unt videlen istiunt.
Ectiam qui repe lictat quam quis cor asit dolor rem aut estorio nserrovide nesecae ratu. Bit verro qui blauta solor solupient quidunt orpossequo endae abor sunt autatec eptate ma vent quamus voluptatio. Boribus si te nonet dolorei ciassum eic to consectum que veliae vel molor autatur re pre ipsaect emoluptatis dolupture quia iducipidis unt videlen istiunt.
Ectiam qui repe lictat quam quis cor asit dolor rem aut estorio nserrovide nesecae ratu. Bit verro qui blauta solor solupient quidunt orpossequo endae abor sunt autatec eptate ma vent quamus voluptatio. Boribus si te nonet dolorei ciassum eic to consectum que veliae vel molor autatur re pre ipsaect emoluptatis dolupture quia iducipidis unt videlen istiunt.
PO BOX 301 172,
ALBANY 0752,
As we are now in a state of emergency at Level 4. We would like to inform our clients that we are still available to assist you, but are working remotely. We would like to assure you that despite the current restrictions in place Mackenzie Civil is still here to serve you. We are unable to conduct site visits at this time, but for meetings we are using voice and video conferencing. Please contact us via the usual numbers to discuss your project. Our priority at this time is to protect our people, clients, and the wider community. We recognise that this is a difficult time for all organisations and the people within them. If we can be of assistance, please don’t hesitate to contact us.